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Writer's pictureJen Mac

Creating the Life You Want: A Journey to Living on Purpose

Do you believe there's a way to create the life you want to live versus hoping and crossing your fingers that your life is going to change automatically? If you believe that, then give today's episode a listen as we go get the one nugget that's going to help you to wake up and provide faith that your life is in your hands.

Welcome, I'm Jen Mac I hope I am finding you living your life on purpose. If you're not living your life on purpose, then it is my intention in today's episode to give you just one nugget of inspiration toward your transformation.

One of my favorite phrases is: "Learn to live your life on purpose, with purpose." This puts you in the driver's seat of your life, which can be a little bit heavy, I understand. It's about taking responsibility and being accountable for your life and what's showing up in it.

If you are ready to take control, if you have gone through enough life to know this is what you’re getting and want things to change, then instead of having a nervous breakdown, you decide you want to do something different. I have some suggestions,

The Journey Within

Learning to create your life on purpose is an inner journey. It is about going inward and connecting with the deeper, more powerful version of yourself. Sometimes, when we reach a certain age, we realize that life isn't going the way we want. We still have some feelings and emotions that have created our personality, and we want to be different. We thought that if we bought the house, got the job, had the kids, or got married, our life would change, but it still hasn't. There’s a nagging, underlying current running through everything we do, and we start to wake up and realize it’s still there.

This is the waking-up process, and it's exciting because once you start waking up, you can start driving. You can start creating, and that's when life gets interesting. It also gets hard because you have to take responsibility for your life and start dealing with those emotions, which can be scary. But remember, your emotions are energy, and that energy wants to be felt.

I once asked someone if they wanted to dive into their past, which was full of trauma. They said no because they felt they would never stop crying. Does that sound like you? There's something back there—a message, an energy—that keeps telling you to go inward and deal with the pain instead of masking it.

Creating an Environment for Change

The waking-up process can be scary, but I want to help you understand and embrace it. Living your life on purpose starts with believing in yourself. In the last episode, we talked about how believing in yourself creates confidence.

Today, we will talk about creating an environment for that belief to take root.

When we plant a seed in the garden, we create the environment for that seed to grow naturally. Similarly, you need to create an environment for your belief to take place. Most people pretend to believe in something, meditate, or write their goals down, but then continue to focus on what they don’t want. They put their energy into the current reality instead of what they want to create.

Here’s a key word for today: Ignore. Ignore what is currently manifesting in your life. This doesn't mean you don’t problem-solve or neglect your responsibilities. It means you deal with what is without letting it drain your energy or affect your mood negatively.

For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, set your goal and don’t let the scale dictate your emotions. If you see a number you don’t like, don’t get upset and give up. Instead, keep your focus on your goal and maintain a positive emotional state. This is about not letting the environment take your energy away from you.

Setting Intentions and Meditating

When you live your life on purpose, you start by setting intentions. Amy and I have been doing this, and we check in on our physical, emotional, and mental states. You can do this alone, with a partner, or in a group like my Lady Rising group on Facebook. Set your intention for the day using an emotional word because emotions carry energy. Send out the signal from your heart into what you want to create.

People might think setting intentions won’t change their lives, but it does. When I set my inten

tion and ground myself, my environment doesn’t control me. I maintain my energy and respond to the world from a place of intention instead of reaction.

Meditating daily is another crucial practice. It charges your internal energy. The first few times you meditate, it might be frustrating, but focus on your breathing and set a timer for five minutes. The more you meditate, the more you learn to keep your energy in your heart, making you more powerful.

When you connect with your intention and send it to your heart, it creates a powerful energy that you send out into the world. This connection is like plugging in your phone—you know you’re charged and ready.

Training Ground: Your Environment

Treat your current environment as a training ground. When you go about your day, practice not giving your energy away to things that normally trigger you. Maintain the emotional state you want to keep. If you lose it, reset and restart any time of the day. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, call back your energy, and start your training again.

Living on purpose with purpose demands mental energy, but it's worth it. You get to create everything you want to experience. So, go out and set your intentions, ground yourself, ignore your surroundings, and meditate. Bring your energy back to your heart and use your environment as a training ground. If you need help, join my Lady Rising group on Facebook and share your experiences. Let’s connect and support each other on this journey to living life on purpose.

Remember, you are in the driver’s seat of your life. Embrace the journey, wake up, and start creating the life you want to live.

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